Monday, October 19, 2009

How sweet it is...

Imagine sitting somewhere quiet. Outside the skies are cloudy, the wind is blowing and you are safe and warm inside, cup of coffee in hand. Suddenly, out of nowhere comes this: "MOOOOOOOOOOM!" And the quiet is shattered. This is a scene from my life. There are times that one word, title if you will, drives me CRAZY! I get "mom, mom, mom, mom....." while that child is also poking me or patting my shoulder. I don't understand. Do they think that I can not hear them, so they must also physically make their presence known?? I run to the bathroom, but the thought that I can hide there is an urban myth. They knock and knock and speak through the door as loud as possible. Like I am doing something secret and they want to be a part of it. Like no one else in the house could possibly answer their question. I get all sorts of requests while I am in the lavatory. "Can I call...." "Can I go outside?" "Mom, she did ____ to me" And while I am in "private", I just sigh and shake my head and yell " I AM IN THE BATHROOM!" Conversation ceases.
There are times when I just can't play another game, I just can't watch another animated movie and just can't listen to another word about who did what to whom. There are times I want to send in my resignation and go somewhere warm. Somewhere the word "mom" isn't spoken with frustration, anger or attitude. You know...the "Mooother!" That one is always accompanied by an eye roll. There are times I ask the Lord why He thought I would be a good mom. "Momzilla" appears more often than I'd like. I get frustrated over rooms that don't get clean, and dishes that don't get done. I purposely do NOT go upstairs. The girls don't want me to and I don't want to. It's scary up there.
There are times when I NEED to be an adult. When hubby and I go out alone, I have been known to ask to sit somewhere that there are NO children. I have found that I have no patience for children under the age of 7. Babies are sweet, but I am SO very glad I am done having them. People are suprised that I, having had 6 children, don't really enjoy young ones right now. I say to them: I have been a mom for a LONG time! When asked if I cried when Little Bit started 1st grade, my answer is a resounding NO! I HAVE WORKED HARD TO GET HERE! And as I sit with my coffee, will all the kids in school (finally!!!) I gain perspective. I am a good mom. I love our girls. I love the what the word "Mom" stands for. I love that it is spoken lovingly to me and about me. I love that I have the freedom to sit where there are no kids and love that my hubby supports me and helps me with the children. (even though he seems oblivious when they are POUNDING on the bathroom door to get my attention) After the silence of my day, in which I still do my "chores", one more game doesn't seem like such a big deal and animated movies are again magical. I still don't have much patience for the who did what game or the physical assaults upon my person as they try to get my attention. But when the word "MOOOOOOOOOOOM!" is yelled at the top of one child's lungs, I can sigh, shake my head and think "How sweet it is to be their mother."

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