Thursday, August 8, 2013

In LaLa Land

Once upon a time, a little girl had a dream. She dreamed that her prince would come one day. He would be tall, handsome and would give her everything she ever wanted. Her children would be born with nary a squall and they would be darling little angels. Hmmmmm. Well.

So, he didn't ride a horse. And while he is handsome, he isn't super tall. He tries to give me everything I want....even some things he wishes I want. Like a tool set. The children were all born squalling and as for the angel part, well those are saved for heaven.

It's so far from the fairytale dream that I (and all little girls)dreamt of. The movies show it so well. Funny thing about the fairytale, they never actually go into the ever after part. I'm quite sure those princesses (you know who they are) got quite irritated when that prince charming showed up late for dinner....with COMPANY. And I'm sure she wasn't always put together and perhaps she even watched her husband eat and wondered how on earth she could've thought he was so darn charming?! And although they don't go into the children aspect, I'm sure those kiddos were naughty a time or two.

The fairytale part is easy. It's falling in love and butterflies and talking of shared dreams. It's stolen kisses and snuggles late at night. It's a dozen roses and remembering down to the moment the important things. I think more time should be spent on the ever after.

It's not always pretty here in the ever after. It's fighting, making up, watching that one movie one more time.....even though you hate it. It's trying to figure out how you're going to pay for things, how to be in his company. It's laughing and crying. It's pulling together and making things work even when you're not quite sure you even like the guy anymore. It's choosing to love him....every day. It's him sleeping on the couch because he knows I can't sleep with him snoring like that, it's me kicking him trying to get him to stop said snoring. It's rejoicing over the first grandchild and cheering as another girl graduates. It's him buying me a tea just because.

The ever after is a place after the fairytale. Sometimes it's dark and dreary and sometimes it's lovely and a party. We're still in love and I still get butterflies. We still have shared dreams and have seen some of those come true. Sometimes the kisses aren't so much stolen as a misstep as we're drifting off to sleep and the snuggles typically last only a minute. If there's money for roses, there's something to be paid and remembering the little important things is a distant memory. But....that's all ok.

Here's the deal: You can live in LaLa land and be surprised when it all goes haywire. Or you can realize that you're marrying an actual person. A real live prince who won't always be princely. Let things change, let the fairytale go.

The reality is so much better.

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