Thursday, August 15, 2013

Finding The Other

What is it about finding "The One"? I know I was obsessed with it....looked around, wrote my story, fell into pit and finally found my "other". Other what? 1/2, self.....and on and on. I think girls become more obsessed than boys. And as young ladies, they get hit with an urgency. An urgency to quickly find the other.

We have one girl who really just wants to wait for God. But all around her, friends are pairing up and becoming all relational. I think she's feeling like a lonely fish in a big, huge pond. She KNOWS that God has a story written/yet to write. Sometimes though, it's just hard to be patient. Especially when the billboard doesn't change. She's not seeing any signs, not seeing any BIG movement on the 'fish' front. I try to encourage her....but it's hard when you just feel like you don't fit.

We have another girl that doesn't want to wait. She is constantly going out to find her other. And they come and go. They breeze in and out, her heart worse for the wear. I am always saying that she will have no rest until she is complete with God alone. She shrugs and marches on.

We have the one girl, who appears to have a classic romance, straight out of an '80's movie. But all isn't always well. The communication needs work, the emotions run high. I don't know how things will go with this one, we just wait for God to unfold the pages.

I sit and I watch. I wait for hearts to break and girls to break hearts. I watch the children scurry like ants, struggling to find the other. I watch as people get torn apart by sadness and marriages fall apart by sorrow. I ache in those stories. I watch the ones who should be together wait for God to move and wonder if in fact, He's waiting for them to do the moving. I watch the ones who shouldn't be together force themselves to fit in the same puzzle. And I watch the ones who God waits see if they'll climb up out of the pit.

I get it. The urgency, the desire to be loved and the desire to know the search is over. The truth is, some of the matches won't last. Some of them are meant to be later, meant to not be at all. Sometimes, the other isn't the right one. We fit people into our box, desire them to love us and convince ourselves that it must be God's will. And sometimes, we ignore the opportunity when in fact God's will is to continue forward. It's hard, this being human. Good thing we're not long for this world! But that is another blog.

There is One that should never be an 'other'. He is the King, the Lord of Lords. He is the one who designed each one, designed each heart and each 'other'. We need to trust that He's got this. Even if finding the other takes a long time....that too is His. Don't rush it, breathe, enjoy this life and keep moving. Don't get stuck, waiting. His plan will's just harder when all you're doing is watching the paint dry.

Be brave, be bold and go forward. His plan is divine!

1 comment:

  1. Six girls. What were we thinking? Ugh. Boys just don't go through this like girls.
