Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have a granddaughter. She is small and lovely and fabulous! My heart swells when I see her...i just LOVE her super much!

The day Hillary had her, I was struck with the realization that I'm no longer "the" mom. My days of parenting Hillary are over. She is the mom...her journey is just beginning. As I watch her go through all that post pregnancy stuff (pain, healing from stitches etc), I try to remind her that it's worth it. But some days, it doesn't feel worth it.

Some days, she'll want to cry from lack of sleep. Some days, she'll yell at Jeremy because he left a tiny little speck of something on the table. Some day's she'll sigh in frustration and beg me to "PLEASE take the baby". And some days, she may look back and think about how much easier life was "before"....

BUT...most days, she'll smile and coo, amazed at how pretty her sweet little one is. Most days, she'll sleep when baby sleeps (on advice from mom) and she'll get rest when she can. Most days, she'll love Jeremy. Most days, she'll look forward to the every day growing up her little sweetie pie will do. And she'll wonder what she ever did BEFORE this miracle.

One day, her daughter will call her mommy. She will get taller. She'll go to kindergarten....eventually graduate high school. In the very distant future, she'll meet someone (already bargained that one out), get married and have children of her own. I'm not trying to grow her too fast, I'm just realistic. I've got 6 kiddos under my belt....and I only blinked and they were grown. Those things you think your children will never do...they do them. And you're left to wonder if you did a good enough job. Well, He wouldn't have allowed you (me) to raise them if not. He knew what He was doing and He knew who He was creating. He knew who He was allowing to raise them, too. Amazing, right??!

There is a picture I hope to repeat, over and over. It's a generation picture. My mom, myself, Hillary and sweet girl. Eventually, there will be other daughters with other children. What a picture that will be....generations......

He is great. His creation is amazing. There is no mistake when He creates, no mistake or oops in what He does. And for that, I am blessed.

The best thing about the sweet one....I don't have to take her home. I get to love on her, snuggle her, enjoy her and then send her home with mom and dad....

1 comment:

  1. Hello! There are Mormons out there EVERYWHERE who are DYING to see that new baby. Pictures, please?

    I am so happy for you I just can't stand it!

    Love you!
