Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Good Morning! It's been a long couple of days at our house. Matt got demoted (which means less pay), the tall girl broke up with her boyfriend (who she met at church camp) and one girl is sick. I haven't slept in 2 days. HOWEVER, I have not had a breakdown....not really.

Remember when I said some time ago that the girls were "off the market"? No boyfriends, only courtship stuff? Well, we broke the rule for the tall girl. And we liked her boyfriend. He was so sweet to her! Respected us and the rules we laid out.  Respected her and the boundaries she set for herself. Then, sad day, she broke up with him. She felt like he was more invested than she was in the relationship. We have a rule for the boys our girls date....if they, at any time, feel as though they no longer want relationship they need to tell the girls right away. And so we told the tall girl he deserved that same respect. 
He thanked her for being honest and said he would stay her friend. She was crying. She doesn't like hurting people. From now on, no boyfriends for her. However, I REALLY like him.  The girls bring these boys into their lives, which in turn brings them into ours. And we like them. Then they are gone. Sigh.

Matt got demoted. His confidence is shaken, his manhood on the line. I know he feels like he has let us down, done something wrong and is "less than".  And of course you had me saying things like "I asked you if......". I'm quite positive that did not make him feel better. Since the first initial shock, things have settled into  "git 'er done" mode. We've made plans (tentative) and have been praying. Alot. I know that the Lord has plans, I know that nothing happens without first being brought to the Father. I know we will be ok. However, things will be tight, money will be scarce and there won't be alot of frivolous expenditure. And that's ok. It's going to be creative living. We will find all the free things to do in Boise!

It's easy to try and wallow. To Eeyore it up and be all "Poor me" and "Why us?". It's easy to go crazy with the "what ifs" and look at situations that maybe won't even be a situation. It's easy to ignore that this was a plan. However, I have been called to do the opposite to all those things. This is a plan. Not mine, but His. And who am I to wallow? We still have each of our children, our home and eachother. We are healthy (except Chellsei who is nursing a cold). We have friends and a church home where, I believe, we are loved.  And we have a Father, who loves us continuously and in His very own words says His plan is for our good and not to cause harm.
While I did cry, I also prayed. And yesterday, my bible study was on Job. Go figure. And I am reminded, AGAIN, that God has this. What the world means for evil, the Lord means for good. I intend to enjoy the good.

The tall girl asked if her not being invested in the relationship meant she had a problem with commitment. I told her no....she's only 15, she doesn't have to commit....she has to grow up first.

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