Monday, April 13, 2015

A Little Piece of My Mommy Heart

Remember that time we had 6 daughters? Remember how we used to do lots of things together? Remember when THEY ALL GREW UP???

Yeah, me too. Talking with one of them tonight, I realized that her compass was off. As a family, we are very close. As sisters, some of them are closer than others. 2 of them in particular.

Since that tall girl left to live with her husband (how dare she??!), C has been a little lost. K was her support system, her closest friend. K, of course, gets the benefit of someone else. C has been wandering a bit. All around her, friendships are dropping. People she's known for years are suddenly no longer around. Her heart is heavy. I encourage her to get involved, meet new people. She wants to....doesn't quite know how.

I never really had the joy of a close girl relationship. When I was 18 I met my very first real friend. We are still friends to this day; she helped me escape from my first husband. I didn't meet another woman I was close with until about 10 years ago. We're still friends...don't see her as much as I would like, but I know she loves me. I'm slowly developing more girl relationships; I've got some pretty great ones and growing new ones all the time!

It's difficult,though, to try to tell your child that sometimes it's a slow process. I can explain my theory of seasonal friendships. It doesn't take away her hurt. I really want to take away her hurt.

We all knew these days would come. The days when the household got smaller and a lot quieter. We knew it would get less busy. We knew the teens we claimed as our own would someday find lives. Just because we knew doesn't mean it's easy. I've felt the sting, the break in my heart is healing. I miss them...not just the ones God blessed us to raise; the ones He put in our path to love. From my mother point of view, I forget there are others hurting. Mainly our girl.

I know He has a plan for her life. I know that the friendships that have changed may not stay that way, I know that He may be protecting her from some things and I know that in His timing He will provide joyous relationship for her! I know she misses her sister; that may never change. Her sister misses her.

This girl...she's amazing. She's a bit upside down and backwards. However, she is His. Her heart is covered. I don't doubt that she will grow past this; her life will unfold according to His will. He is for her. As He is for all of them. He created them, He knows them...He loves them.

Chin up, girl whose name they never have. You are His dead girl.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Lie

We are surrounded by lies. Billboards, television, books....they all lie and tell us how we should look, how we should talk and how we should support the "issues". The problem is that we BELIEVE these lies. We allow them to permeate our lives, fall prey to the ones that seem innocent. Those are the most harmful; the ones that look right.

As our marriage is healing, the enemy is trying to undo the restoration that the Lord has given. We have to be careful not to fall into the snares he sets. The Bible says that he is allowed to roam and rule this earth...this is his domain. His goal is to steal, kill and destroy. He works overtime in his deceit, finds joy in the sorrows.

We've gone through a challenging year. As we've navigated, I've cried out. I've believed the lies of the evil one; I've allowed his untruth to seep into my spirit. I've allowed the sadness to overtake. In short, I've allowed him small victories.

Guess what! No More! I have been reminded of His grace. I am surrounded by His love, pillowed by His spirit.

Our marriage isn't without struggle. Now, though, we turn to Him first. We argue in love and seek to soothe injured hearts and feelings. The enemy's lies have no hold. Sometimes they creep in and try to take over and sometimes I have to pray very hard to get them away.....but He always takes them, doesn't allow them.

One thing I've struggled with is the feeling of not being good enough. Here's some news for you: I. Don't. Have. To. Be. He is more than enough and wants to be always enough for me. There isn't ANYTHING I can do to make Him love me more, nothing I HAVE to do. My relationship (and salvation) are only based on the fact that I am an acknowledged sinner and that I believe in Him. He paid for me on the He hung there dying, my sin was upon Him. And He took it. If I was the only one, He would've taken it. I'm not. He did it for you, too.

There isn't ceremony in knowing Him. The enemy would have us believe it's complicated and based on a series of must do things. The truth is, it's simple.

With Him, all can be restored. The worst lie of all in our marriage was believing that we could fix it ourselves. Without our relationship with Christ being center, we had no hope. Now we are full of it.

Don't believe the enemy. He makes everything look pretty. Don't be fooled; underneath the beauty is a sorrow unimaginable. The biggest lie of all is that there is no enemy. He exists and he walks this earth.

Sunday is Easter. If you don't know Him, I encourage you to ask questions. Get to know Him in truth. You are loved, friend, and worth more than the enemy tells you. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.