Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Rolls In

Hello, November. You've started out cold. You even had snow already. As it is November, I am reminded that it is almost time for my Thankful blog. Then again, why wait?

This year has been a little up and down for me. I have had moments of absolute faith and clarity and moments of absolute insanity. The insanity has often won out over the clarity. So as I look back over this year, things are a bit muddled. As I wrack my brain, I find them....nuggets of thankfulness.

I am thankful for:

-Grandview, Washington. And those that minister there. And that I was part of the ministry team that went this summer. My heart aches for those young ones, their hearts crying to the Lord. He is up to magnificent things there...can't wait to see Him work!
-Late nights with teenagers.
-Finding the hard to find Monster High doll....twice!
-Surprise parties...especially ones our sweet girls planned for me. More teens than grown ups there, but that's okay.
-For neighbors who love my dog.
-That Whisper doesn't jump the fence anymore.
-Reya turned 1! Love that grand girl!
-Growing friendships.
-The simple beauty of a water fountain show. We have our own "mini-vegas" right (almost) next door.
-Once Upon a Time came back. With a spin off. Love it!
-Matt's a CNA! Hooray for Matty! And I love his new schedule!
-The spider guy
-After halloween sales (fudge making supplies!)
-God...He has had me this year. Without Him, I would've sunk into the pit of muck I continually threw myself into. AKA: Despair
-Girls. Our 6 have shown amazing growth and courage this year.
--Emily @ college
--Kaily finishing high school
--Chellsei starting college and DATING
--Savannah being the student the teacher would like to clone
--Harley telling everyone about God, regardless of where she is
--Hillary growing as a mother
-Always thankful for Fancy know who you are. :)
-Church family
-That the dogs haven't died from anything they've chosen to eat. And that in itself is a miraculous feat. They've eaten a lot of BAD things. BAD DOGS!

And now....some things I'm NOT thankful for:

3 years in a row: SPEEDOS! no man should EVER wear them, don't care who he is.
-Dogs that eat everything they are NOT supposed to. Annoying!
-A house that doesn't clean itself.
-How the chocolate finds it's way to my hips.
-They cancelled my new show...that was a bummer.

I'm sure there is more, but I'm trying to stay positive here. Since last year, I have struggled to be thankful. Struggled to have faith, struggled with trust. It's been a hard year. And to be honest, I don't know how we'll do Christmas. But I know that through it all, He has been with me. I may have blocked Him, put up a wall and tried to do it myself. (said in my best little girl voice) I've fallen down each time. He has lifted me up, kissed my owies and set me gently down. He loves me. He is for me. Why I try so hard to do things without Him, I have NO clue. Human nature? Probably.

I have more to be thankful for than others. I know that. But sometimes, it doesn't seem like it. So I pick my worry (which is a sin) and carry my giant bag around. Silly me. So I lay it out, here. If you see me worrying, call me out on it. Remind me that He carries me. Cause I forget. And I shouldn't.

What are you thankful for, friends? Remember to be thankful to the One who loves you most. Regardless of how I felt, I knew He loved me. He loves me. He loves you.

No worries, mate. Just let November roll right in.

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