Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Life isn't a Movie? Really?!

Remember all those John Hughes movies of the '80's? Molly Ringwald leading the cast of teen angst? Remember how everything wrapped up nice and tidy at the end? Remember all the amazing, grand things that seemed to happen to her character? Yeah, so do I. As a teen girl, I didn't believe that was reality....but I wanted it to be.

As I've watched our girls' lives unfold, I've come to realize (with the help of a sweet girl) that one of our girls lives in her very own John Hughes movie. It's not her fault, she can't undo the way things unravel. However, it does cause unspoken animosity. Watching her life can lead to questions of one's own worth and value. Like: 'Why doesn't anyone want to love me like that?' or 'It just isn't fair!'. Believe me, as her mom, I am always shaking my head in wonder at the way things go.

There are some girls in my life that are a lot like me. (not totally, thank heavens!) But in a sense of wanting to be loved. And not wanting to wait for God to bring it to them. Goodness knows that I didn't. I wanted to be the lead in my own teen romance movie. I wanted the boy to hold the boombox, sit on a table and eat cake in candle decide I was more important than his friends. Yes, I recognize that one of those is not John Hughes. Not the point. The point is that I wanted that so badly I went out and got it. Guess what?! It didn't turn out how I'd hoped. I didn't get my "happily ever after". I still don't have it....not in the movie sense. I mean, that's just a movie. Real life is much sweeter.

I don't know why some people seem to live the 'fairy tale'. Don't know why some people have to work at it or, even worse, WAIT for it. That's the hardest. The waiting.

There is One who waits. His happy ending is never ending. His love is sufficient and much. Often we overlook Him...He's not tangible and not what we think of when we think of 'true love'. But He is. He is love and He is the one who writes the movie of our lives. We get so impatient and in a hurry. We see other people and wonder what they have that we don't. Here's the secret. NOTHING. They have worries, heart ache, struggles just like you. Our girl who appears to live in a romance movie? Well, I want her to enjoy it. It may not last and how sweet to have such memories. BUT...don't compare yourselves dear ones. You are just as valued as she is. Your Father has a plan for you. Let it unfold.

Remember that life isn't a movie. This is real time. Sometimes entertaining, sometimes frustrating...always a blessing. Enjoy it now and remember to look towards heaven. He hears you, sees you, knows you. Remember you are loved, dearest.

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