Saturday, June 15, 2013

Snug Fit

There is a movie about a people group called 'Wemmicks'. It's a sweet tale about God and His love. In this particular movie about these peoples, the 'Wemmicks' have begun wearing green dots and gold stars. Your popularity and "fitting-ness" is determined by the type of stickers you have and how many. The hero of this tale is concerned because he doesn't have enough stickers of a specific kind. His whole life is on hold, his worth set by by others. Then along comes a girl. She has no stickers and when others try to put them on her, they fall off. Our hero asks her why she doesn't have any stickers and she tells him that she doesn't need them. Her worth and value are set by the Creator. And He loves her as she is.

I want to be that non sticker girl. I want to know ALL the time that I am His beloved. I often forget. I stand back and wait for others to talk to me, wait for others to notice me. And when they don't, I convince myself that there is something wrong with me. In short, I don't have enough stickers.

In truth, I hide myself. I hang back, watching to see my opening, my chance. I want to fit and fit snugly. Sometimes, I get so scared, I can't do anything. And then, my worst fears are realized. No one talks to me, no one invites me to sit with them, no one notices if I'm missing. This adds a sticker to my face, covering me in sorrow and silent pain. Of course, it's a green dot. The worst kind. You only get gold stars when you're the OTHER kind of person. And so, in search of a gold star sticker I go. I integrate myself into conversation, try so hard to be outgoing. Inside I am cringing, silently asking them to like me. But there are no gold stars forthcoming. And I am left to wonder what's wrong with me.

Guess what.....there is nothing wrong with me. I may not have the most tact, may not have the best stories, may not fit super snug. But I fit with Him. He created me. I don't have any stickers because I don't need them. I need to pick myself up by my boot straps, realize that to some history represents relationship and move on. I need to remember that He puts specific people in my life, people to love me. And, you anonymous reader, need to remember that it doesn't cost you anything to talk to someone else. That you should step outside your snug fitting space and invite someone to sit with you. Let them know you see them. We talk a lot about serving others, but if we forget that those around us need our 'service' (ie: relationship) then our service is for naught. If we consistently go around adding stickers to our faces, we lose sight of the truth: The Creator didn't create us with green dots or gold stars. He created us in His image and He doesn't want any of us to be lonely or sad. He calls us to love each other. That doesn't mean we have to all be friends, but it doesn't hurt us to stretch a bit....grow and hope all the stickers fall off.

I want to fit where the world things I should. Snug and tight. But here's the deal: I don't. The stickers don't stick because I am His beloved. I am His creation. He sees me in my silent wishing. He sees my tears and knows the pain in my heart. Better than that, He picks me up...dusts me off....peels off the green dots and holds me tight. I may not fit into this world the way the world thinks I should...I fit tight in His arms, though. I fit right in the "Erin" shaped hole in this world, quirky, opinionated and fun. A little emotional (a lot), a smidge loud and very much a girl. I will remember to talk to someone, invite them into my world. I will remember that just because they don't think like I do, they are valued in His eyes. I will remember the time I so desperately wanted to fit and cried when I didn't. I will remember I am stickerless because that's how He made me.

I am His, beloved and whole. Created and blessed. I am a snug fit.

1 comment:

  1. We have those children's books and I love them! He heals little souls and big souls, too.
    Why do we try so hard and hurt so much, when we just need to remember who our Creator is? Everybody feels that way sometimes. Thanks, very well said. Love it when you post.
