Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Momma Bear

Yup, that's me. The Momma Bear. And let me tell you something, don't mess with my cubs.

Recently, a certain someone has resurfaced in our lives. This someone had a non relationship with one of our cubs. He strung her a long the "I like you path" for a good long while. Finally, the string was broken and they really went their separate ways. Cut to a year later. He's back, emotions in overdrive. And of course, looking at our girl like he always did. Our girl is flattered. Who wouldn't be?? But, as per usual, a few texting days later....someone has left the building. She doesn't get it. She didn't ask him to come back around, didn't ask him to confess what feelings he has. She certainly didn't ask him to cause upheaval in her life. She's just calmly building her life, waiting for God's direction.

And this, dear readers, is what make this Momma Bear mad. I know that boys eventually outgrow stupidity. I know that girls have just as much growth going on, but somehow we seem to have it much more together quicker! I've seen my fair share of this with our girls. Boys that come around, then change their minds. Boys that profess 'love' then 2 weeks later forget. Golly, one boy professed love then broke up with our girl the same day. I know that life is confusing and emotions lie. BUT don't drag our girl into the bramble bush.

Funny, once I was the 'boy'. I would drag unsuspecting boys around on a leash, then cut them loose with no explanation. It looks so much different as the Momma Bear. I'm the one that sees the hurt in their eyes, wipes their tears and hugs them tight. I'm the one that gets angry on their behalf when they're confused as to what the heck just happened. I'm the one that desires to just kick those boys in the fannies and yell at them to wake up. They're going to miss the best things that ever could happen to them.

This boy cub, he's emotionally hurting. His life changed rather rapidly. And while I have sympathy for that, I will not tolerate him causing hurt and confusion in our girl. (AGAIN) She will be his "What If". If they never get it together, he will always wonder what might've happened. And I am sorry for him, and whoever his future wife may be. Our cub will be okay. As I said before, she's waiting for God. Sometimes impatiently, but waiting none the less. I know He will honor her heart with a mate that will love Him first, her second. They will serve Him with their lives. She deserves that and so much more. She deserves the man God created for her....the waiting may be tough, but in the end it will be worth it.

Yes, I love our girls. No, I don't think they're perfect. But I do believe that God honors heart felt pleas. I believe that God loves them more than I. I believe that God allows for second chances and if the ONE by chance makes a different decision then He has another. I believe that some of our girls will wait and others will hurry along to write their own ending. All in all, it's Him. No matter what we try to write, He always finishes the story differently than we expect. And I love that.

Boy Cubs: If you want to love one of ours, be honest about it. Stop waiting for the BIG SIGN....sometimes, it's the small ones that are meant to get your attention. Don't focus on the what ifs, go for the right nows. Otherwise, back off. This Momma Bear bites. :)

1 comment:

  1. Uh, huh!

    I enjoyed your usage of the word, "fanny".

    I would not want to be the boy who hurts one of your girls.
