My story is different from your story. It's full of twists and turns, sorrow and joy. That is probably where the similarities to your story end. There are numerous variables in our lives. Perhaps you like to sew.....I only sew Girl Scout patches and buttons. Perhaps you scrapbook or stamp. You couldn't get me near that stuff. Not even for money, honey! Eeeeesh!
I have 6 probably don't. And that's ok. It's the variables that endear us to eachother. I like that.
I see people I assume have a perfect life. I assume that when they go home, their children are perfectly behaved and their husband is loving and they are perfectly coiffed and dressed. Their dog probably doesn't throw up on their bed in the middle of the night. (Murphy sleeps in his kennel every night now)I assume that the money situation is better than mine and that they do devotions every night. I actually assume that of everyone I meet. Isn't that crazy?
Imagine my joy when I find out that the children I assume are perfect are far from it. When I see someone not all put together and I realize they just argued with their spouse. I don't find joy in their sorrow, but rather in the fact that I realize my family and me (Matt may disagree) are NORMAL. That sometimes kiddos fight and husbands get cranky and I don't have to agree with him all the time. That sometimes as kids grow up they make mistakes. Not my fault....I like knowing that. We are all so different. Yet, I think sometimes that I have more in commom with others than I realize. Perhaps someone even wants to be just like ME. Wouldn't that be a kicker?? I spend my time trying to figure out how to be like "her"....I forget that God created me to be ME. In the past few years I have embraced myself better. Highlighted my hair pink, debated on a tatoo (not yet) and just enjoyed things more.
The truth is, as perfect I think everyone else is, my heart knows it's a lie. Just because something looks "just so" doesn't mean it is. I don't know anyone else's inside life. Don't know the sorrows or joys they experience on a daily basis, don't know the heartache they feel or the laughter that flows. Just like they don't know mine. I write this blog to show people that things don't always work. I hope as people read they feel a sense of normal. That they realize that normal is closer than they think.....and find a sense of belonging in there somewhere.
The only real variable i have is God....He changes everything, makes it all better. And I love knowing He loves it when I laugh.
This reminds me of one of the best pieces of wisdom my grandpa gave me: "You never know what happens behind closed doors." I don't even remember why he told me that, but it was after church one day, and it's stuck with me over the last almost 20 (yikes!) years.