Monday, November 1, 2010

Let's do the Time Warp

Do you hear that? Listen's the sound of my girls being wrapped in bubble wrap. Or at least their hearts. Another heart semi broken. This time, it's the girl whose name they never have. They weren't together very long. They just clicked. And he's very nice and I believe he really likes her. Alot. However, there was just one thing they didn't exactly agree on. God. And that's a biggie. So they're just friends....for now.
I wish I could just freeze time. Rewind. Start over. There are so many things I would do differently. I would still love Michael Jackson (duh!) and love the color pink. I would rethink stirrup pants (UGH) and still LOVE Duran Duran. Other than that, I wouldn't change my teen years. They shaped me, molded me and showed me who NOT to be.
In regards to my girls...OOOO, there is much to do differently. I would play many games, not be too tired and I wouldn't save every paper from school. (a whole tote of school work YEARS old) Hillary is our oldest. She is still our trial girl. Everything we do, and how we respond to her, is brand new to us. With our Bonus, everything is old hat. It almost isn't fair. I told our Juliet that the bonus is our 6th eight year old. We kind of know what to expect now. And what to do. Unfortunetly for Hillary, she is our 1st twenty year old! And most times, we are CLUELESS! She's in a good place now...learning lessons in a loving home. I miss her much.
If I could go through a time warp, I would stop Juliet from dating Romeo. Tonight, when the girl whose name they never have's ex called, Juliet looked at me. Tears in her eyes, she asked if I thought they would get back together. I said probably. Crying, she asked (softly) why that couldn't have happened with her. My heart wept for her. I realized that the brave face she's had since the break up is just that. Brave. She worries all the time about a husband...worries that Romeo was the only boy who will ever love her. If I could rewind, I would zap her with confidence, a truth that as long as she's God's it's all under control! I can't go back, though. So I will help her go forward.
The girl whose name they never have....she is sad. Sigh. If I could go back on this one, would I? No. It was short, sweet and maybe will be again. I only know that I am praying for this boy. Praying that God become part of his life in a big way. The girl, she knows what God's will was with this. She said the Holy Spirit was on her and conviction rode her mind. She knows it's better as the boy's friend. But that doesn't hurt less. As I cuddled her in front of the meat department in Albertsons, my heart cried for her. And I was proud. She listened to God, and that's not easy at 15.
No time warps for me. No matter how many times I hum the tune...Just life lessons. It's just harder for me this time around. I thought mine hurt. Nothing hurts like watching your children hurt.

BTW: I pray daily for Romeo too....he misses my Juliet. If these kids can get it together with God, nothing will stop them. And the hurt will be replaced with joy.

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