Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Smoke and Mirrors

I think there is a desire by all women to know they are beautiful. As I stalked Facebook last night, I noticed multiple pictures of grown women pursing their lips into the camera, flirtatiously eyeing whoever might stumble upon them. In comparison, most of the teen girls I know have sweet pictures of themselves and their awkward prom dates. Both beautiful....however, I think one set feels as though they have something to prove.

I know. I've belonged to the 'come hither' group. There is one picture I had up once that my mom said should be reserved for my hubby only. It wasn't inappropriate, it was just the look on my face. It's a darn good picture and honestly, the Little Bit took it. It was totally unintentional. But when I posted it, I admit, I was hoping for likes and perhaps even some comments on my perceived beauty.

As I see these women's photos, I know they're hoping for some "Dang, look GOOD!" comments. And they get some. But...isn't it all smoke and mirrors? I'm quite sure they don't ALWAYS look like that. I know I don't always look like the completely put together gal you all know me to be. (hahahahhahahhaha) Now, before you get all up on your high hippity horse, please know that I am not saying it's not a good thing to put your best self forward. We all do it. But what I am saying is that, for myself, I need to remember that I don't need a gold star to look good to God. He sees past the smoke, past the mirror and into my heart.

When my goal is to catch some sweet, honeyed phrases...I kind of feel like a hussy. Every woman (even you/your wife/girlfriend/mother etc) has a desire to know that what caught her man is still what keeps her man. They desire to know they are beautiful even though they wear the badge of motherhood. They desire to know they're lovely even when they don't do their hair at 5 a.m. so you won't see them undone. They desire to know that when their make up hasn't been washed off and they're wearing sweats and a t-shirt with holes in it, you still love them. So they put up a great photo, revel in the compliments and remember that they are BEAUTIFUL. But here's the secret: You/I am always beautiful to the Creator. He sees us with the dirty shirts, dirty hair, kids hanging off our hip. He sees us crying when we're overwhelmed and laughing crazy like when things seem to be going upside down. To Him, I am beautiful. To Him, I have the grace of a ballet dancer, the beauty of the ocean. He doesn't need me to prove it by posting a picture of me looking like I'm trying to ignore the fact that I'm 40.

Having 6 very different daughters (in looks and stature), I have consistently tried to remind them that they are all wonderfully made, beautiful inside and out. When do we forget that? I say, DON'T. Hold onto the fact that YOU were created in His image. Created just the way you are. Perhaps you've gained weight, gotten thinner, gotten older, changed your hair...whatever. He sees you. He loves you. He created you. He thinks you're beautiful.

I know guys probably feel some of these ways to, but in case you haven't noticed...I'm a GIRL. I can only speak from my side of the gender.


  1. Thank you for writing that for me today.

  2. You are so welcome...your elevator blog inspired the 'kids hanging off your hip' comment. Love you. Go, Fight, Win!
