Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Truth be told

Truth be told....I am not always very wise. I make bad decisions and sometimes give bad advice. Truth be told....I yell at my husband and make my children cry. Sometimes, I shove Murphy outside and pretend he's not whining at the door. Truth be told, I sometimes go in the bathroom when a phone call comes in that I don't want to take and tell my children to say I'm in there. Which is true....just that I'm not using it. I don't want my kiddos to be liars. This my friends, is my blog on truth.

Truth is a tricky thing. If the reciever of the truth isn't interested in hearing it, it becomes skewed. Changed by a stubborn mind. Saying certain instances can cause insecurity becomes someone saying "You're insecure". Regardless of the words that were used, the words that are heard or relayed are often different. Filterd, if you will. We live that way. Filtering truth through our minds, finding fault with what someone is telling us. Refusing to hear. Sometimes, our refusal could be a safety mechanism. Protecting our hearts from a truth that hurts. Protecting someone else, maybe.

Truth is hard. Hard to hear, hard to say. And sometimes, just because we know a truth doesn't mean it's ok to share it. Truth is scary. The truth is....people get cancer, children don't have enough food, soldiers are dying and our world is ending. There are multitudes of scary truths out there. Aids, Cancer, Unplanned pregnancy, Adultrey, Murder, Child Abuse, SATAN. We coast through life, pretending sometimes that these truths don't touch us....in our bubbles. We pray against them, knock on wood and sigh in relief everytime it's someone else. We won't admit it, but it's truth.

We look for versions of absolute truth. We look in magazines, in the t.v. shows we watch, in our spouses and our children. We look in askance at our friends, our relatives and even our pastors and deacons. We search for truth that placates, comforts and brings satisfaction. We want modified truth.

Truth be told:
God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th
God flooded the whole earth and only a boatload of people lived
Jesus was born and died
He rose again and is in heaven now
He IS coming back....that's a promise!
His grace is sufficient
I don't have to work for it, I just get it

I try to be as honest as I can. There are little lies that I tell (like the bathroom). I know I am not the only one, know I alone do not suffer from this disorder. But that's just it. We've gotten complacent and somewhere along the way have become ok with the little ones. And we filter, and we pretend.
Truth be told....

i am a sinner....i am forgiven

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