Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, world. It's been a wild year. Kind of like Mr.Toads Wild Ride, except I'm not going to Hell. (a very real place by the way)
In this year I have:
Relived some of my past
Dealt with heartbreak in different forms
Had 1 girl join the double digit club and another hit the over 16 mark
Had another girl move away
Went to Disneyland! (woo hoo)
Hit the decade mark in my marriage!

These things can't even begin to truly describe my year....there has been unlimited drama, broken dreams and shattered hearts. Untold stories of tantrums and in detail stories of what drives me CRAZY. My own heart has weatherd storms of tears, anger and even some hatred. I have bandaged wounds, real and figuritive. I have cried in Matt's arms and laughed in them too. I have been blessed to see the daughters grow spiritually and been frustrated to see them stop themselves mid-growth. I have hit my knees in prayer and lifted my hands in worship. I have danced for my Father and encountered Him when I least expected it.
This year has been filled with laughter, joy and love. We have banded together in sorrow and in happiness. We have survived the "restructure" of our puzzle and are stronger for it. We have prayed together, memorized scripture and been seen by God.
We have had numerous teenagers wreak havoc upon our home and lived to tell the tale. We have survived Murphy....I think! We are blessed!
They (my family) have survived countless "mom" rearrangeings. The couch moved about 4 times this year, and those of you that have seen my house know that is no small feat.(it's a small house) My husbands least favorite words are "Let's paint" and I said it......a couple times. And he did it. He did all my (our) cupboards and the kitchen table, and the kitchen. All different colors! Boy, I love him! He even, bless him, survived the night I moved ALL the electronic stuff off the entertainment center and put it on a dresser.(took up less space) In my defense, all the wires were there and in their spots. I think. OOOO, was he cranky...... :D
There is so much more.....bringing Murphy home, Kaily in physical therapy, Kaily getting her first boyfriend and her first kiss. Emily's 2 year relationship ending, Chellsei having boys "flow" through her life until the flow stopped and "he" was waiting. Savannah being Mrs.Claus....and wanting to! Harley's musical gift showing itself. Matt's promotion and raise, my ALONE time. Our Disneyland trip and the joy of 5 whole days with NO children. Hillary moving to Missouri....and saying it was a good move.....watching marriages crumble, holding on to ours. Finding a church family....insisting that the cup you drink out of is important.....seeing children lick leopards (playland) and just loving life....It's been a fun, twisty, out of the box ride. I know next year will be even better...but for now, I'm just thankful for this one.

Merry Christmas world. Remember the baby that was born to die.....and the grace that came with.

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