Monday, January 21, 2013

What is Fair, exactly?

There's a song that says "when a heart breaks, it don't break even". And I believe that. And that is NOT fair. Because it should hurt equally on both sides. I broke hearts when I was a teenager. I remember embarrassing a current boyfriend as I sat with my "ex" at a football game. I actually stood up and very loudly used choice words towards him. And yet, that same boyfriend took me back. So did the "ex". At the same time. One boyfriend in high school, one boyfriend out of high school. Not fair at all.

Our 'colt' girl met someone this summer. It wasn't super amazing or remarkable. There wasn't anything very different about him. He loves the Lord and shows it. For once, our 'colt' girl was settled, her heart calm. I wish I could say it ends happily. But, it doesn't. He had to go home, which is very far away. Our girl was devastated. Unfair, I tell meet someone and have no choice in where they are from.

I don't know how to end this one. My heart hurts for the young ones involved, for the unfairness of it all. For the sorrow...for the fallout that will be. There is much more story, I just can't tell it. Just know that the sorrow is much and it isn't "fair" at all. We can encourage our children to be honest, to tell the truth. We can encourage them to not throw words like "I love you" around. We can encourage them to not avoid things....they tend to think that avoidance is key. And they can pretend that nothing matters. But in the end...that's not fair. Someone will get hurt.

And when a heart breaks, it doesn't break even. Not ever. That is the greatest unfairness of it all....

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. Hope her heart heals.

    I think it's funny that you think that there's nothing super amazing or remarkable about it--a boy who loves the Lord and shows it is probably not one who stands out in a crowd, but is the most remarkable and amazing kind of guy there is!

    (I know that's not what you meant. Still, pretty lucky to meet someone like that.)

    I hate it when one of my kids is hurting!

    Love you and miss you.

