It's a New Year. Full of new possibilities. Full of unknown joys and unknown trials. My resolution is to remember. Remember what, you ask? Well....
I will remember that my husband doesn't think like me. I will try not to expect him to.
I will remember to enjoy the moments that Harley wants to play a game I've played a thousand times. She is only 10 for 8 more months. She reminds me all the time that she will be a "tween" come September. Sigh.
I will remember that first love is sweet....and that certain people only get ONE minute to say goodbye to their boyfriend. After that she will get yanked inside the house.
I will remember to take time to talk to my girls. Slowly, they are moving out of our home and into lives of their own.
I will remember that we raised that one girl with common sense and God. I can't make her make the choices I would....she's already made so many that I never had the sense to make!
I will remember that my body is meant to be strong. I will not get caught up in what I "should" be, but work on who God created me to be.
I will remember that my Matty likes my curves. That's all.
I will remember to be patient with the puppy. Even when I wish Murphy would eat her.
I will remember to laugh at the little things. After all, they really don't matter.
I will remember God's abundant love and provision over 2012. Sometimes, it seemed as though we had been forgotten...but He reminded me that He bottles my tears and was always there.
I will remember to call my friends. And they will remember to call me. And my parents. I will call them.
I will remember to read my bible. His word is a blueprint, a guide and truth.
I will remember to pray. And when I don't, He will remind me.
I will remember to be patient with that one girl. She is changing daily and learning about herself. I forget how hard the transition from "tween" to "teen" is.
I will remember to love my husband...he will love me.
I will remember that my granddaughters mother is not me....she has to learn things by doing. I can't do them all...even though I want to.
I will remember to hug my girls. They're squishable.
Mostly, I will remember that I am His beloved. I will cling to that, bank on it and hold it tight. And if I forget, my tattoo reminds me. In blue.
What will you remember this year?
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