People put other people in "boxes". They tend to look, assess and decide in a split second. And sometimes, they decide it would be fun to "play" with anothers life. I myself am VERY guilty of this. Not in recent years, but certainly as a selfish teen girl.
I used to push my boundaries, test the limits of another persons heart and patience. I would say horrible things, do horribler (HA, my own word) things and watch and see if my house of cards would fall down. When it didn't....well!...look out world, I was unleashed. Looking back, I have so much sorrow over the way I abused boys' hearts, and their trust. As possible, I have sought those boys out and asked forgiveness.
Recently, our colt girl broke someones heart. It was unintentional. However, sadly, this has burned a bridge that won't be built again. Her heart belongs to the far away boy....she tried to forget, to move past the one week this summer and to really appreciate this other boy. Alas, it didn't work. She didn't intend to cause him pain. She just couldn't justify their relationship while she felt that way about someone else.
This boy, the broken heart, he told her to contact him if she ever changed her mind. Sigh. Too much power for our "colt" girl. Ah, the heady rush of power. She holds his heart and emotions in her tiny hands. She could crush him. But she won't. As often as possible, I've reminded them they can not use other people as a means to justify an end. That they can not experiment emotionally with someone else just because that someone gives them the chance.
At some point, they may be the ones taken on the emotional tilt a whirl. They may be flipped upside down, thrown for a loop and taken for a ride. (I'm thinking Disneyland) But, I hope not. I pray not. I know that each daughter will be loved. I know that they will thrive and grow with their spouse. I know that along the way to find that someone they may hurt someone else in the process. I remind them that those others are precious, set aside for someone else. I remind them never to abuse the "power" one may give them. I remind them that "People are friends, not Playthings".
I am forever grateful that there is one who never plays with me. One who loves me unconditionally. One who sees and knows all I've done and all I'll do. I am His, beloved and 'blue'.
ReplyDeleteI miss you! I wish we could go to breakfast (or lunch, I guess. Mornings come so early.)