Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dear World

Dear World,

Since the end of March, we have been questioned. We have been chastised and belittled. You have wondered if something immoral is going on behind the scenes, wondered if perhaps I went behind my husbands back and did something he would not approve of. You, world, have forgotten who you are supposed to be. Let me remind you who I am.

I am a child of the one true King.
He alone sits in judgement of me, my actions, my comings and goings. He is the one who heard my cries, my pleas fell upon His ears. He alone knew the indecision in my heart. He saw my husband pray, heard his heart and gave His answers. He watched as Matty reassured me over and over again that the decision was the best for our girl. He allowed me to test Him. To consistently test Him. His answer was always the same, and I felt He gave it with a gentle pat on my head. Reminding me He's got this. Yet, world, here you disagreement and anger.

I am a mother.
He charged me to love and raise His daughters. What a blessing they have been, what a joy to nurture and grow. What a gift to not have to do it alone. He blessed me with a husband that has truly fathered the daughters that were not his by birth. They are truly as precious to him as if they were his actual blood. Perhaps more precious because they have chosen to call him "Daddy", chosen to be wholeheartedly his. And he has chosen to be theirs. What a joy to see this wonderfully sweet relationship on a daily basis.

I am a wife.
Rest assured, world. I make no BIG decisions on my own. There are the every day decisions that my husband leaves to me. ie:dinner and such. But these things, these life changing moments...I can't do on my own. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to things like this. I will second guess myself until the very end. His solid presence and his certainty are the only things that get me through. I absolutely follow him, world. I couldn't survive without him. If his answer is no, then that is mine as well. So, world, you should stop assuming things.

World, you have forgotten that God has called you to love. He hasn't called you to agree, but He has called you to love. Are you aware of the sorrow that you have caused these young ones who are just starting their lives together? And before you start saying "They did it to themselves.", think about how you've treated them. Think about the opposition you've raised. Think about what you've thought and the things you've said and the way you've behaved. There are those, world, who DO love on them. However, there are those that seek to destroy what God has put together. Just because it doesn't look like what YOU think it should look like, world, doesn't mean it isn't what God intended.

We owe no explanation. We owe no one the story. If you ask, we'll share. Please understand, world. There has been no immorality, no shameful deeds. There has been no sin. Please stop treating it as such. You don't have to agree. I don't always agree with you, but I will love you anyway. The only sorrow is what you are causing, world. We stand by our decisions. We hope you will love us anyway.

Thank you for your time, world.

